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Be Angels: improving an existing platform to meet current needs

We met Claire MunckBe Angels‘ CEO, one of Europe’s largest Business Angels networks! For a couple of months, we have been working together on the development of their investment portfolio management platform.

What is Be Angels and why did you call on 26lights?

Be Angels is a network that puts private investors in touch with companies looking for support and funding. We have all sorts of tools in order to help our investors, including an investment portfolio management platform.  We called on 26lights in order to upgrade this platform, to improve it in order to improve the service provided to our investors.

Concretely, what has been done?

First, we started with a strategic meeting with 26lights’ team in order to understand what was the role and place of this platform in all of our tools and processes. It was about understanding the goal and purpose of the platform and also, what we could do in the future with it.

After the strategic aspect, updates and improvements of the platform have been implemented.

Any key figures to share?

Not really key figures but more key concepts. With 26lights we do “sprints”!

What about the collaboration with the team?

It is going very well! The team is reactive and professional. It is a pleasure to work together, we get things done quickly and they understand well our needs.  They guide us in our choices of implementation of the platform.

Do you recommend them?

Of course! We are delighted with our collaboration, that is still going on at the moment. We recommend them because it’s a friendly and professional team with whom it’s very pleasant to work!

Do you have a story to tell?

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Picture of a meeting with a 26lights Growth Partner